Saturday, June 26, 2010

.The Last Girl They Would Hate.

.The Last Girl They Would Hate.
By: Marie Castiano

Maybe she likes it, maybe she don't.
maybe she'll scream the words out,
maybe she won't
maybe she'll let the pen bleed the truth out,
maybe she'll let words slowly space out.

It's funny how demented
all her books thought she was,
funny how they thought
she would stumble on her way,
to some imaginary graduation day.

Funny how when she talked about it,
they all just laughed about it,
funny how when the words she promised to speak,
would reveal their death and their demise.

She loved it, when she finally spoke those words,
loved the way their eyes widened
to the point of dismemberment,
loved how their mouths stayed wide open
and how she didn't let them scream,
loved how finally once and for all
she would have the last laugh,
loved the final smile,
she would ever let them have.

What makes them believe that she is
nothing more than a girl they can destroy,
and take away all her joy,
It's really not that simple,
you see,
she does have joints and tendons
and she can feel the pain from the skin
they always make her peel.

She is more than what her body gives off,
she is more than the way she lays down,
she is more than her smile,
she is more than her frown.

They don't like what she does,
they love when she doesn't do it,
they love her misery and her loneliness,
they hate her laughter and her joyfulness,
they love to hear when she screams in dismay,
they hate when she comes out victorious once again.

She asks if its a crime to love,
and to rescue those who never did her wrong.

And as she rescued those who did do her wrong,
they saw her real true imagery,
she was an angel after all,
those that spilled dirt and pissed all over her name,
were left in darkness guilt and shame.

She left them all there as she said this:
nothing ever is what it seems,
don't be so quick to judge
things you know nothing of,
for if you saw me as something that clearly im not,
you'll have two choices in the end,
what's real and what's not.

By: Marie Castiano

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